Know that the order of social life depends on the classes of mankind not being detached from each other and the upper classes not being distant from the lower classes, nor the rich from the poor, to the extent that the bonds of relation will break between them. But because zakât being wâjib and interest (ribâ) being haram are neglected, the distance between the classes has widened so much that the upper classes have diverged from the lower classes to the extent that no point of connection between them remains. Shouts of revolution, screams of envy and cries of hatred and hostility arise from the lower classes towards the upper classes instead of respect, obedience and love. The fires of tyranny and oppression and thunders of insult rain down from the upper classes to the lower classes instead of kindness, bestowal and favours. Alas! Although the qualities of the upper classes should be the cause of modesty and kindness, they become the cause of pride and arrogance. Although the impotence of the poor and the poverty of the lower classes are the causes of attracting kindness and bestowal to them, they become the cause of slavery and misery. If you want a witness for this claim, look at the state of the corrupt and disgraced civilisation; it will show many witnesses to you. The only shelter that will provide peace between the classes and bring them closer is the payment of zakât, which is one of the pillars of Islam and an elevated, vast rule in the administration of social life.

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